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【綜合】 英雄聯盟圖素使用權聲明公告
【綜合】 英雄聯盟圖素使用權聲明公告



近期有發現少部份企業、團體在未經《Garena 台灣競舞娛樂有限公司》及《Riot Games》授權下,擅自使用《英雄聯盟》及《台北暗殺星 Taipei Assassins》Logo與圖素,並且以促銷、活動等方式從中進行商業行為,此舉已造成召喚師的混淆與權益的損失,並嚴重侵犯智慧財產權的相關法規,此聲明發布後,Garena 將會逐一檢視目前違法的案例,請侵權的單位立即終止未經授權的活動與促銷方案,若無法獲得正面的回應或無改善跡象,我方將主動採取法律途徑以維護贊助商與召喚師的權益。

對於近期 Tt 曜越娛樂有限公司(以下簡稱 Tt)未經授權使用英雄聯盟圖素為例:

  1. 經我方發現:Tt 未經授權使用英雄聯盟圖素進行 FB 行銷活動。我方電話告知對方涉及侵權,要求對方下架相關侵權活動,但對方無明確回應是否撤下相關活動。
  2. 發函致 Tt 公關,明確告知對方涉及侵權;直至今日,對方仍無回應。
  3. Tt 相關英雄聯盟侵權活動持續進行中,我方發佈官網聲明稿,說明我方圖素使用及廠商侵權處理方式。

《英雄聯盟》為熱門線上遊戲之一,擁有超過百萬玩家的支持。Garena 未來也將持續以高品質的服務帶給玩家優質的娛樂體驗,並與廠商進行雙贏的行銷合作。

League of Legends Intellectual Property Right Announcement

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all supporters of League of Legends and eSport development. Additionally, we would like to thank our partners for cooperating with us with highest value.

Recently, we have noticed a few corporations and parties utilizing materials of League of Legends and Taipei Assassins for commercial purpose, without the consent from Garena or Riot Games.

This has puzzled our players and severely violated our intellectual property rights. With this announcement, we will start examine these violations and ask for termination of such unauthorized activities. If we do not receive any response and these illegal activities persist, we will pursue legal actions to protect rights for Garena and our customers. 

Take the recent promotional event from Thermaltake Technology (Tt) as an example:

  1. We have discovered that Tt incorporated images of League of Legends into their product promotion events. Tt was informed by us on IP violation and was asked to not use them for commercial activity, however, we have not heard from Tt after the notice was sent.
  2. We have contacted Tt PR to notify the violation, no response from them.
  3. These illegal promotions from Tt are still on-going, and we have made an announcement of this violation incident on our official website.

League of Legends is one of the most popular online games on the market with millions of players around the world. Garena will continue to optimize our service to provide the best gaming experience for our customers, and work with our partners to achieve mutual success.


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