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SKT1皮膚美服上架 暗殺星也再次發售
SKT1皮膚美服上架 暗殺星也再次發售



  Commemorate SK Telecom T1’s sweeping World Championship victory with a set of skins clad in the red and gold that raised the Summoner’s Cup.

  The five champion skins are 750 RP each and the ward skin is 640 RP. Snag all six in the SKT Championship bundle and see 25% off at 3292 RP (6513 RP if you need the champions). These skins will go on sale starting May 5 before going back into the vault on May 19.

  We’re also bringing the Taipei Assassin skins out of the vault from May 6 through May 19. Each one will be 750 RP with the TPA bundle going for 2812 RP (5358 RP if you need the champions).



SKT1皮膚美服上架 暗殺星也再次發售


SKT1皮膚美服上架 暗殺星也再次發售


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