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Blues..THIS is what people are afraid of...

The next BIG NERF. Ok, you nerfed IAS. Now people are stacking crit hit/crit chance. Some people are afraid of what the next nerf will be, including myself. How are we supposed to make a viable build when everything KEEPS GETTING NERFED??? These fears are real, and not just by me. I'm not trying to troll. I'm trying to constructively get your attention and ask that you pass it on to the devs..people feel cut-off at every turn. I myself don't know what to do. Do I stack crit chance/crit damage and pray they don't nerf? Do I stack life on hit, resists, and sit and worry about that being nerfed? I guess I'm asking..what do you suggest? What do we do? I'm trying to be nice, constructive, and respectful in this post..could I please get an answer?

你改攻速, 現在大家都在撐爆擊率跟爆擊傷害, 但很多人都很害怕, 包括我自己, 那你下次的NERF要改哪裡?你這樣一直改我們根本不之到如何撐出有效率的裝備及技能. 到底後續我該如何處理, 撐血量嗎?撐抗性嗎???我想問的是, 我們該怎麼玩? 發表這個問題我並不是在牢騷, 我想要表達我的善意及建設性, 你可以告訴我如何是好嗎?


There are plenty of stats we could have nerfed, there are many (some which have been mentioned) which are probably skewing itemization and build variety. We nerfed IAS because it was probably the worst offender, and because unlike most other stats has a bigger impact on mobility and resources. We know build variety is still affected by a number of issues and factors. We plan to really attack that problem in 1.1, but we didn't think IAS could sit as it was until then.

We don't want people to be afraid of nerfs, and ... I guess maybe I can try to get that across by saying we could have nerfed a bunch of stats that probably deserve it to some degree, but we didn't (
aren't you thankful!?), because we don't believe our design approach should be constantly noodling with really important things, like stats. It should only be when we have an extreme situation developing, and we felt that was the case with IAS.

1大堆狀態我們可以NERFED, 有些已經提出了,  我們先處理攻速, 是因為我們覺得攻速是目前遊戲最大的衝擊, 攻速會受到很多技能及屬性的影響, 本來我們打算到1,1板再來處理這個問題, 但我們不覺得功速問題可以擺到那個時候.

我們不希望玩家害怕NERFS...但我想我可以這樣說, 我們還有一堆東西可以NERF...很多屬性應該要下修的..但我們沒有(
), 因為我們相信, 我們的設定不能隨便亂改, 除非是很重大的影響, 像屬性等等, 除非有很誇張的狀況, 就像我們這次對功速的感覺.

那麼爆擊率跟爆擊傷害? 等著NERF吧..
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#34 06-24 23:31 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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大家一起來玩 火炬之光2 吧,這是D2原團隊(北暴雪)開發的
#33 06-21 22:59 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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對#31 開心網友 說:
#32 06-21 19:35 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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騙錢騙夠本 把遊戲改爛 大家都不完 暴雪你就能馬上養老了 乾
#31 06-21 17:40 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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#30 06-21 16:51 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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算了吧, 收了錢姿態就這麼高, 真讓人火大...
#29 06-21 16:39 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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這是BZ 論壇確實的回文  並不是杜撰
#28 06-21 16:34 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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#27 06-21 16:20 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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之前踢罐子, 就nerf罐子
之前撐攻速, 就nerf攻速
在馬場或打寶熱點打寶, 就增加你的獲得率令優質裝出現比率下降
現在玩在撐爆擊/爆傷/無損裝, 嘿嘿, 下一個受害者呼之欲出了
#26 06-21 15:51 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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全1的世界 將到臨
#25 06-21 15:48 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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降屬性加成 等著你們
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