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This was known, but many people missed the part I emphasized above. Certain monsters have a higher BASE chance to drop 6-affix rares. So, if you hunt down these enemies, you will be getting the most for your magic find, or if you hunt without magic find, you'll just have the highest chance to find good stuff. (good meaning everything you ID has 6 or 5 props)

So while n00bs continue to debate about farming Act 1 for speed VS. farming Act 3 for "good drops", both are absolute trash compared to Act 4 for one simple reason: Treasure "Tiers" andBASE drop rates.

Simply put, Act 4 mobs have the highest of either. They have the most radical treaure tier RANGE, while having the highest BASE chance at 6-affix and 5-affix rares. Don't believe me? The data is already out there, it's been data-mined independently by d3db and IncGamers.

Look at some of these statistics

Mallet Lord - Treaure Tier range 8-18, 15.75% 6-affix, 27% 5-affix
Morlu Incinerator - Treasure Tier range 8-18, 13% 6-affix, 25% 5-affix
Oppressor - Treasure Tier range 6-18, 8.1% 6-affix, 18% 5-affix
Subjugator - Treausre Tier range 6-18, 7% 6-affix, 17% 5-affix

Compared with the most "treasurest monster" in Act 3 for a comparison

Blood Clan Occultist - Treasure Tier range 4-18, 3.5% 6-affix, 8% 5-affix

or even more dismal, Act 1

Dark Berserker - Treasure Tier range 3-18, 2% 6-affix, 6.75% 5-affix

Oh, and what is this "Treasure Tier" you ask? It's as important as the % chance to drop # of affixes, the Tier determines how HIGH the affix you roll can GO. For example

of the Snail 1 1-4 Cold Damage
2 1-4 Cold Damage
3 1-4 Cold Damage
4 2-7 Cold Damage
of Glob 5 3-11 Cold Damage
6 5-21 Cold Damage
7 9-40 Cold Damage
8 15-70 Cold Damage
of Mathyness 9 26-119 Cold Damage
10 37-173 Cold Damage
11 53-245 Cold Damage
12 69-322 Cold Damage
of the Lich 13 114-532 Cold Damage

The above was just made up as an example, but gives you a general idea to help you understand. Therefore, the smaller the range, the higher your stuff will roll each time.

So we can see, it is by far and away more efficient to stack high magic find and kill Morlu Incinerators and Mallet Lords than any other enemy in the game, statistically speaking. But the craziest thing of all is that the difference is SO big that it makes Act 1, 2, and 3 look like an utter JOKE in comparison.


今天早上驗證了下。一條龍A4雖然JY少,而且居然運氣差到一個63都沒出,而且那個泰瑞爾瞧瞧你的愛將那麼猛居然不算BOSS。但是武器普遍有孔,垃圾黃裝6詞綴的增多。61鞋打到個150力體加火抗的(這輩子沒出過這種鞋。 還出了個60級得 22-41 200力量 1垃圾詞綴還有有3.5暴擊的項鏈
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