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新英雄公告:Hecarim!技能前瞻 無視單位體積碰撞
新英雄公告:Hecarim!技能前瞻 無視單位體積碰撞

  We here at Riot Games make every effort to ensure that our stable of champions is as diverse as possible. Still, even after the addition of Sejuani to the League of Legends, there are those cavalry enthusiasts out there who would contend that the greatest warriors ride horses. For you purists, we’d like to propose an alternative point of view. It is our opinion that the most epic warriors are themselves at least 50% equine. And as evidence of this theory it is our pleasure to present Hecarim, the Shadow of War.

  Riot Games竭盡全力確保我們的英雄盡可能多種多樣。儘管如此,甚至豬女瑟莊妮加入英雄聯盟,那些騎兵愛好者站出來爭辯說最偉大的戰士是騎馬的。因為你們是純粹主義者,故此我們樂意提出另外一個觀點,最偉大的戰士是半人馬(原文的意思可能是這個最偉大的戰神本身起碼50%是馬。。。)。據此,我們榮幸的推出新英雄 Hecarim,戰爭之影

  So if you enjoy leveling your lance and charging headlong into the brunt of the enemy ranks leaving only the trampled corpses of lesser foes in your wake, we’re pretty sure that Hecarim, the Shadow of War will have you chomping at the bit come next patch!


Hecarim!技能前瞻 無視單位體積碰撞

以下是技能前瞻: 以下為暫譯


  Q 暴怒:Hecarim!順劈斬附近的敵人,造成物理傷害

  W 恐懼之魂:Hecarim!在短時間內對附近敵人造成魔法傷害,並從傷害中吸取一定的生命,治療自己。

  E 毀滅衝擊:Hecarim!在短時間內獲得更高的移動速度,他的下一次攻擊將擊退目標並且造成額外物理傷害,傷害取決於黑卡瑞姆啟動E之後的移動距離。

  R 影子突襲:Hecarim!召喚出幽鬼騎士並向前衝鋒,在一條直線上造成魔法傷害。當衝鋒結束,黑卡瑞姆釋放一股衝擊波,對附近範圍的敵人再次造成魔法傷害,並且發動群體恐懼。

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#2 04-06 15:48 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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上單 應該很強勢。 有了大絕  將狗 gank也應該不錯。
#1 04-06 13:53 金剛刀 開心網友 說:
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