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喜事將至 召喚師峽谷外形有望六月重做
喜事將至 召喚師峽谷外形有望六月重做



  Hey summoners,

  June is coming soon and we have a whole line up of fun & excitement for all summoners! We thought of giving you a glimpse of what’s coming up so you can mark down your calendar and wait for it. Now summoners will have something to look forward to this coming June holidays.

  The theme for June will be 「Play it Red」 which is in conjunction with the upcoming Garena Carnival that will take place on 7 8 June at Suntec City. Please visit our 「Play it Red」 Official Website for more events information. We’ll like to hear your feedback about it right here and please feel free to post any inquiries that you may have for us as well.

  The Summoner’s Rift will be polished and ready for your arrival when June arrives. See you there!

喜事將至 召喚師峽谷外形有望六月重做




  六月的主題是「紅起來」,和即將開啟的Garena嘉年華,即6月7-8日,在新加坡Suntec City(新達城)嘉年華主題相呼應。我們希望聽見大家的反饋,請自覺的向我們反饋消息吧!



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